Late-night blahblah
Let's write the first entry of this journal. Just as a warm-up. It's 2.38 am, cold and I'm not sleeping though I have to wake up early for a useless class at 8.30 am tomorrow (date-wise today, but tomorrow doesn't come unless I wake up from sleep). You know... it's saddening to see everyone around running out of life, but still dragging their feet to live how they don't want to live. I don't know what's actually happening but I have an easy way to explain this dystopian lifestyle we have— পুঁজিবাদী সাম্রাজ্যের চক্রান্ত ✊🏼। Play the blame-game and go back to living like a sheep. Ah, lyf. What's the point of blaming the system when we ourselves put the collar-belts around our necks with our own hands. I mean, we could speak for ourselves if we at least tried to free ourselves from the slavery of who knows what. But we won't cuz we find it too comfortable to have someone else tell us what to do even if that direction is gonna lead us to the darke...